Songs of experience: music and the brain - Fondazione Mariani
Publications / NYAS Annals

Songs of experience: music and the brain

Report multimediale conseguente al Convegno internazionale “The Neurosciences and Music – III”

Montreal, 25-28 giugno 2008

This eBriefing is a unique multimedia report on the Neuromusic III Conference realized in cooperation with the prestigious New York Academy of Sciences. Its multimedia elements include audio, video, photos, and slide shows; as well as links to related resources, including Web sites, books, scientific literature, and speaker information.
Most significantly, the research agenda for many subjects is presented in the form of “Open Questions” that reflect the lines of inquiry that speakers at our events are pursuing. These questions define the cutting edge of science, and indicate areas of research that will be probably undertaken in the months and years to come.
Both written and multimedia components within the eBriefing are fully searchable and contain tabs for easy navigation. Meeting reports can be displayed in a printer-friendly format.

To access the eBriefing, you must be registered.

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